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DC Impression Vision Animes

Forty Millenniums of Cultivation
Ep 16
Forty Millenniums of Cultivation
7.45 Ep 16/16 1355
Premiered: Winter 2022 Rate: PG-13 Synonyms: Xing Yu Siwan Nian Status: Finished Airing Genres: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Li Yao, a highly talented craftsman, faced a hurdle in his advancement due to his limited psychic abilities. However, he stumbled upon 40,000 years worth of knowledge, which opened up new opportunities for him. Despite missing the joint entrance examination, he didn’t give up on his dreams.

With the support of his friends and mentors, Li Yao relied on his unwavering willpower and was able to participate in the examination once again. He eventually succeeded in entering the university of his choice, embarking on a journey towards realizing his dream of becoming a successful craftsman.

ONA 21m
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