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Military Animes

Purple River
Ep 42
Purple River
6.89 Ep 42/42 767
Premiered: Winter 2021 Rate: PG-13 Synonyms: ZiChuan Status: Finished Airing Genres: Action, Fantasy, Military
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Purple River

Purple River also know as ZiChuan, is based on the light novel writen by Lao Zhu.

Two centuries ago, on the Blue River Battlefield, the final remnants of the Empire of Light were defeated by demonic forces. As the last Field Marshal and Emperor fell, the Western River’s chaotic world was left without a unified ruler, leading to the formation of factions and ongoing conflicts. Military power became the only means of survival, and reunifying the land became the goal of many future rulers.

In the southeastern part of the realm, House ZiChuan, a powerful faction with a 200-year history, fought against demons to the east, repelled House Liu Feng to the west, and contained House Lin to the south. To fulfill their great aspirations and preserve their family’s bloodline, numerous heroes from House ZiChuan made the ultimate sacrifice, bringing their legendary tale to life. This is the story of this remarkable family and their hundred years of blood, sweat, and tears.

The story follows the life of three brothers (close friends), Di Lin, Sterling and Zichuan Xiu, as they fight for their country. The first third of the story is focused on the attempted coup and the suppression of it with the help of the three brothers. Because of their philosophies and actions, they are rewarded differently, with two rising in power and Zichuan Xiu being “punished”. The remainder of the donghua covers the wars and battles caused by the coup.

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