Overview: In the distant and frigid expanses of the cosmos, an ancient bronze coffin tethered nine colossal dragon carcasses, seemingly positioned there since the inception of the universe. This awe-inspiring tableau was observed by a space probe adrift in the cosmic void.
The presence of nine dragons and the enigmatic bronze coffin sparked speculation about whether one had journeyed back to ancient times or traversed to the furthest reaches of the universe. Unfolding before them was a vast mythical realm, where hints of immortality surfaced, and supernatural occurrences unfolded with regularity.
In this mystical domain, myriad individuals embarked on a quest to discern their own paths (The Dao). Their zeal resembled an unrelenting ocean surge, and the fervor in their veins mirrored erupting volcanoes. Unbeknownst to them, their aspirations for power and immortality led them inexorably toward an abyss.
Following graduation, thirty-three classmates convened for a reunion, only to have their bonds tested when the bronze coffin transported them from Earth to an unfamiliar planet. Driven by the instinct to survive, they found themselves on a trajectory mirroring that of ancient gods. As they entered a new realm of cultivation, the question loomed: would any attain immortality, or would the journey claim them all?
The presence of nine dragons and the enigmatic bronze coffin sparked speculation about whether one had journeyed back to ancient times or traversed to the furthest reaches of the universe. Unfolding before them was a vast mythical realm, where hints of immortality surfaced, and supernatural occurrences unfolded with regularity.
In this mystical domain, myriad individuals embarked on a quest to discern their own paths (The Dao). Their zeal resembled an unrelenting ocean surge, and the fervor in their veins mirrored erupting volcanoes. Unbeknownst to them, their aspirations for power and immortality led them inexorably toward an abyss.
Following graduation, thirty-three classmates convened for a reunion, only to have their bonds tested when the bronze coffin transported them from Earth to an unfamiliar planet. Driven by the instinct to survive, they found themselves on a trajectory mirroring that of ancient gods. As they entered a new realm of cultivation, the question loomed: would any attain immortality, or would the journey claim them all?
- Synonyms: Zhe Tian
- MAL Score: 7.12
- Status: Currently Airing
- Premiered: Spring 2023
- Native: 遮天
- Studios: Original Force
- Genres:
Other Seasons:
Found Nothing!
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